The videos and the
images contained in them are all subject to copyright.
Top End Tour Photos
In May this year Lorraine and I were able to participate in a
coach tour from Darwin through to Broome via Kakadu. This video
highlights a few of my photographs. They are mostly landscapes.
I hope you enjoy viewing them.
The End is a New Beginning
The last couple of years I have set myself a portfolio project.
For 2020/21 I planned to photograph old decaying churches but
with COVID that was not feasible so I planned something closer
to home which ended up being "old decaying" flowers.
Lorraine assisted by not throwing out some rather sad
looking flowers.
Random Images
I had the privilege of being part of Len Metcalf's, Lens School this year.
One of the things Len said was to sit with your photos for
a while to determine which ones maintain your interest.
These photos are a sample of those I still feel OK about.
I hope you like one or two of them.